


以下正则表达式将匹配 9-11 位数字:/\d{9,11}/

The following regex will match the range 9-11 digits: /\d{9,11}/

编写恰好匹配 9 11 位数字(不包括 10 位)的正则表达式的最佳方法是什么?

What is the best way to write a regex matching exactly 9 or 11 digits (excluding 10)?

使用输入元素的模式属性,因此正则表达式应该匹配输入字段的整个值.我想接受任何包含 9 位或 11 位数字的数字.

Using the pattern attribute of an input element, thus the regex should match the entire value of the input field. I want to accept any number containing 9 or 11 digits.


Well, you could try something like:


这正好匹配九位数字,后跟可选的额外两位数字(即 9 位或 11 位数字).

This matches exactly nine digits followed by an optional extra-two-digits (i.e., 9 or 11 digits).




但请记住,并非所有都必须使用正则表达式来完成.检查字符串是否匹配 ^\d*$ 并且字符串长度本身是 9 或 11(例如,使用诸如 strlen 之类的东西)可能同样容易.

But remember that not everything necessarily has to be done with regular expressions. It may be just as easy to check the string matches ^\d*$ and that the string length itself is either 9 or 11 (using something like strlen, for example).