Mozilla Firefox说没有定义Referenceerror事件,没有解决方案

Mozilla Firefox说没有定义Referenceerror事件,没有解决方案


我的代码遇到了麻烦。我搜索并找到了几个解决方案,但没有一个能够解决问题。问题是mozilla firefox给了我一个错误:事件被点头定义。其他浏览器工作正常。我调用该函数的代码:

I have been having troubles with my code. I have searched and found several solutions, but none of them did the trick. The problem is that mozilla firefox gives me an error: event is nod defined. Other browsers work fine. My code to call the function:

var demoMap = '<table class="popup"><tr><td>';
   demoMap += '<span class="close-popup">&#215;</span>';
   demoMap += '<canvas id="map" width="853" height="480"></canvas>';
   demoMap += '</td></tr></table>';

var wayfinder;   
	$(".home-video").click(function () {
        $(function(){ //Make sure that the page is loaded.
            wayfinder = new Wayfinder3D();
            wayfinder.cbOnDataLoaded = function(){
            //Laetud, peida progressbar

            wayfinder.cbOnProgress = function(percentage){
            //Laeb, liiguta progressbari
            wayfinder.options.assetsLocation = '//';
  $( ".popup" ).click(function() {
    $( this ).fadeOut(500, function () {

.home-video)。click( function (){
(".home-video").click(function () {

.home-attention)。append(demoMap );

function (){ // 确保页面已加载。
wayfinder = new Wayfinder3D();
wayfinder.cbOnDataLoaded = function (){

// Laetud,peida progressbar

wayfinder.cbOnProgress = function (百分比){
// Laeb,liiguta progressbari
wayfinder.options.assetsLocation = ' // /' ; 1a07bdc53edb3828f390bc9af7281585);

(function(){ //Make sure that the page is loaded. wayfinder = new Wayfinder3D(); wayfinder.cbOnDataLoaded = function(){ //Laetud, peida progressbar }; wayfinder.cbOnProgress = function(percentage){ //Laeb, liiguta progressbari }; wayfinder.options.assetsLocation = '//';"1a07bdc53edb3828f390bc9af7281585"); }); });