在我的移动 Play 商店中找到我的 Play 商店应用

在我的移动 Play 商店中找到我的 Play 商店应用


我已经在 Play 商店发布了我的第一个应用.状态显示已发布,但我无法在我的 Play 移动商店中找到该应用程序.如何在移动游戏商店设备中搜索我的应用

I have publish my first app on play store. The status display published but i cant find that app in my play store of mobile. How can I search my app in mobile play store device

您需要搜索应用程序的包名称.所以搜索 com.yourname.yourapp 或任何你的包名称.另请注意,点击发布后,应用可能需要几个小时才能出现在商店中.

You'll want to search for the package name of your app. So search for com.yourname.yourapp or whatever your package name is. Also realize that it can take several hours for the app to appear in the store after you hit publish.

您还应该尝试在网络浏览器的 Play 商店中找到它.您可以通过以下方式找到它:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yourname.yourapp -- 其中最后一部分是您的特定包名称.

You should also try finding it in the play store in a web browser. You can find it by going to: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yourname.yourapp -- where the last part is your specific package name.