Google Play商店:退款应用仍可以使用和更新吗?

Google Play商店:退款应用仍可以使用和更新吗?



As far as I know this is not documented by Google.


What happens when the developer manually refunds a paid app purchase, using the Order Management console (like shown below) ?


Can the user still use it and receive udpates?

如果已退还付费应用的购买价格,则Play将从用户的媒体库中删除该应用.这意味着将来会根据应用程序所有权进行检查(例如,播放许可验证库 )将返回未购买的应用程序.但是,不能保证从用户设备上删除该应用程序,这就是为什么建议使用许可证验证库的原因.

If the purchase price for a Paid app is refunded then Play will remove the app from the user's library. This means future checks that depend on app ownership (eg the Play License Verification Library) will return the app is not purchased. However, the app isn't guaranteed to be removed from the user's device, which is why use of the license verification library is recommended.


For refunds around in app purchases and subscriptions the answer might be different. Your question isn't completely clear about whether it is buying a paid app or an IAP/Subscription, but I think you are asking about a paid app.