在应用商店发布 PWA:google play 和 ios itunes

在应用商店发布 PWA:google play 和 ios itunes


有没有办法在应用商店发布 PWA 上发布应用谷歌播放和ios iTunes.无需使用cordova 制造马车,这会产生大量需要维护的问题.

Is there a way to publish an app on publishing PWA on app stores google play and ios itunes. Without creating a buggy with cordova which creates a tons of issues to maintain.

是的,可以将您的 PWA 发布到 Android AppStore.

可信网络活动是一种使用基于自定义标签的协议将网络应用内容(例如 PWA)与 Android 应用集成的新方法.

Yes there is way to publish your PWAs to Android AppStore.

Trusted Web Activities are a new way to integrate your web-app content such as your PWA with your Android app using a protocol based on Custom Tabs.

TWA 使用数字资产链接协议和 API,使应用或网站能够公开、可验证地说明其他应用或网站.例如,一个网站可以声明它与特定的 Android 应用相关联,或者它可以声明它想要与另一个网站共享用户凭据.

TWAs uses the Digital Asset Links protocol and API enable an app or website to make public, verifiable statements about other apps or websites. For example, a website can declare that it is associated with a specific Android app, or it can declare that it wants to share user credentials with another website.

查看以下链接以获取完整指南将 PWA 发布到 Google Developers 论坛和 Maximiliano Firtman 的教程指南 这里

Checkout the following link for complete guide to launch PWA to Appstore by Google Developers forum and tutorial guide on medium by Maximiliano Firtman here