如何使用的MSBuild我发布Asp.NET Web应用程序?

如何使用的MSBuild我发布Asp.NET Web应用程序?


我想发布本地使用楠和MSBuild的一个Asp.net MVC的Web应用程序。这是我使用我的恶性目标是什么;

I am trying to publish an Asp.net MVC web application locally using the NAnt and MSBuild. This is what I am using for my NAnt target;

<target name="publish-artifacts-to-build">
    <msbuild project="my-solution.sln" target="Publish">
      <property name="Configuration" value="debug" />
      <property name="OutDir" value="builds\" />
      <arg line="/m:2 /tv:3.5" />


and all I get is this as a response;

[msbuild]          Skipping unpublishable project.


Is it possible to publish web applications via the command line in this way?

发布你的目标是试图调用是键式部署,而不是为发布网站...这就是为什么你所得到的似乎离奇的消息。 你想使用AspNetCompiler任务,而不是MSBuild任务。请参阅http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms164291.aspx有关此任务的详细信息。你的PublishDir将对应于任务的TARGETPATH​​属性。

The "Publish" target you are trying to invoke is for "OneClick" deployment, not for publishing a website... This is why you are getting the seemingly bizarre message. You would want to use the AspNetCompiler task, rather than the MSBuild task. See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms164291.aspx for more info on this task. Your "PublishDir" would correspond to the TargetPath property of the task.
