为什么会出现一个List< T> .BinarySearch(...)?

为什么会出现一个List< T> .BinarySearch(...)?



I'm looking at List and I see a BinarySearch method with a few overloads, and I can't help wondering if it makes sense at all to have a method like that in List?


Why would I want to do a binary search unless the list was sorted? And if the list wasn't sorted, calling the method would just be a waste of CPU time. What's the point of having that method on List?


图书馆设计需要妥协 - 在.NET设计师选择了报价两个二进制搜索功能在C#中的数组的名单,因为他们可能觉得(像我一样),这些都是有用的,常见的操作,和谁选择调用它们之前,使用他们了解的先决条件(即列表被订购)的程序员。

Library design requires compromises - the .NET designers chose to offer the binary search function on both arrays an lists in C# because they likely felt (as I do) that these are useful and common operations, and programmers who choose to use them understand their prerequisites (namely that the list is ordered) before calling them.

这是很容易排序列表&LT; T&GT; 使用的 排序() 重载。如果你觉得你需要gaurantees排序一个不变的,可以随时使用 排序列表&LT; TKEY的,TValue&GT; 的SortedSet&LT; T&GT; 而不是

It's easy enough to sort a List<T> using one of the Sort() overloads. If you feel that you need an invariant that gaurantees sorting, you can always use SortedList<TKey,TValue> or SortedSet<T> instead.