为什么我不能返回通用的"T"来满足Partial< T> ;?




I wrote some code in TypeScript:

type Point = {
  x: number;
  y: number;
function getThing<T extends Point>(p: T): Partial<T> {
  // More interesting code elided
  return { x: 10 };


Type '{ x: 10; }' is not assignable to type 'Partial<T>'

这似乎是一个错误-{ x: 10 }显然是Partial<Point>. TypeScript在这里做错了什么?我该如何解决?

This seems like a bug - { x: 10 } is clearly a Partial<Point>. What's TypeScript doing wrong here? How do I fix this?


When thinking about writing a generic function, there's an important rule to remember

您为getThing ...

function getThing<T extends Point>(p: T): Partial<T>


... implies legal invocations like this one, where T is a subtype of Point:

const p: Partial<Point3D> = getThing<Point3D>({x: 1, y: 2, z: 3});

当然,{ x: 10 } 是合法的Partial<Point3D>.


But the ability to subtype doesn't just apply to adding additional properties -- subtyping can include choosing a more restricted set of the domain of the properties themselves. You might have a type like this:

type UnitPoint = { x: 0 | 1, y: 0 | 1 };


const p: UnitPoint = getThing<UnitPoint>({ x: 0, y: 1});



If you find yourself in a situation like this, odds are good that your return type is not actually generic. A more accurate function signature would be

function getThing<T extends Point>(p: T): Partial<Point> {