是否可以将推送通知中的参数发送给Toast(Windows Phone)?

是否可以将推送通知中的参数发送给Toast(Windows Phone)?



I have a case in my app where I need to send a push notification to a user device when the application is offline and appears as a toast notification.


I need when the user clicks on the toast message to navigate to a specific page in my application depending on the message. I know that this is available in toast notifications but can I send parameters from my server to the toast to determine the page?



The XML of the toast notification you send from your server looks like this:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <wp:Notification xmlns:wp="WPNotification">


You use the Param parameter to send parameters to your app :

您可以使用Param元素深度链接到特定 应用中的屏幕.以下是允许的格式.用于的任何字符串 以下示例不得超过256个字符.

You can use the Param element to deep link to a specific screen in your app. Here are the allowed formats. Any string used for the following examples must be 256 characters or less.

  • /page1.xaml –定义在应用启动时导航至应用中的屏幕.字符串必须以"/"开头.
  • /page1.xaml?value1=1234& value2 = 9876 –定义导航至应用程序启动时的屏幕以及名称/值对信息. 字符串必须以"/"开头.
  • ?value1 = 1234& value2 = 9876 –包含传递到应用程序默认启动屏幕的信息的名称/值对.字符串必须以 带有?".
  • /page1.xaml – Defines the screen to navigate to in the app when the app starts. The string must begin with a "/".
  • /page1.xaml?value1=1234 &value2=9876 – Defines the screen to navigate to when the app starts, along with name/value pairs of info. The string must begin with a "/".
  • ?value1=1234 &value2=9876 – Contains name/value pairs of info passed to the default start screen of the app. The string must begin with a "?".
