


我想在服务A和B之间使用相互SSL身份验证。我目前正在实现从Java中的服务A传递客户端证书。我正在使用Apache DefaultHttpClient来执行我的请求。我能够从内部凭证管理器检索我的服务A的客户端证书,并将其保存为字节数组。

I want to use mutual SSL authentication between service A and B. I'm currently implementing passing the client certificate from service A in Java. I'm using Apache DefaultHttpClient to execute my requests. I was able to retrieve the client certificate for my service A from an internal credential manager and I keep it as an array of bytes.

DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
byte [] certificate = localCertManager.retrieveCert();


I have very little experience in this area and I'd appreciate your help!


I thought maybe it should be somehow passed through arguments in the HTTP client or maybe in the headers.


How do I pass the client certificate with HTTP client?


You need to tell an SSLSocketFactory (org.apache.http, not javax) about your keystore, and configure your DefaultHTTPClient to use it for https connections.

此处的示例如下: http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/httpclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/ client / ClientCustomSSL.java