


在Swift中是否可以为函数使用Optional inout参数?我正在尝试这样做:

Is it possible to have an Optional inout parameter to a function in Swift? I am trying to do this:

func testFunc( inout optionalParam: MyClass? ) {
    if optionalParam {


...but when I try to call it and pass nil, it is giving me a strange compile error:

Type 'inout MyClass?' does not conform to protocol 'NilLiteralConvertible'


I don't see why my class should have to conform to some special protocol when it's already declared as an optional.


It won't compile because the function expecting a reference but you passed nil. The problem have nothing to do with optional.


By declaring parameter with inout means that you will assign some value to it inside the function body. How can it assign value to nil?


var a : MyClass? = nil
testFunc(&a) // value of a can be changed inside the function

如果您了解C ++,这是您的代码的C ++版本,没有可选内容

If you know C++, this is C++ version of your code without optional

struct MyClass {};    
void testFunc(MyClass &p) {}
int main () { testFunc(nullptr); }


main.cpp:6:6: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'nullptr_t' to 'MyClass &' for 1st argument


which is kind of equivalent to the on you got (but easier to understand)