


通过LinkedIn API使用共享功能时,网站的每个页面都将传送一张相同的图片 http://hrm.mysitedemo.co.uk
图片已缓存在服务器上. 服务器上此图片的地址为:链接

At using share function via LinkedIn API, one and the same picture is transfered for each page of the website http://hrm.mysitedemo.co.uk
The picture is cached on the server. The address of this picture on server is: link
Address that leads to share dialog window is : link
Could you please tell how to to clear the cache manually?


Content shared via LinkedIn is cached by LinkedIn's servers for a period of ~7 days. There is presently no way to manually clear the cache other than waiting for it to expire.

一种可能的短期解决方法是,在网址末尾添加一个垃圾"参数,例如 http://example.com/mypage.html?donothing=1

One possible short-term work-around is to modify your URL with a "garbage" parameter at the end of it, e.g. http://example.com/mypage.html?donothing=1


Provided your site does not change the content displayed based on the parameter you append, LinkedIn will see that as a different URL and you won't get the old cached version.