



Hi I am trying to write some iPhone app with a theme switcher, where users can select a theme to change the background color, alpha, images, and some push buttons' look and feel as well (size, image, or even locations).


What would be the best way to apply the theme?


Thanks, Tim


Here's how I implemented the ability to change themes in FemCal. I've included some of the details in the form of code snippets.

  1. 创建一个存储颜色,图像的单例ThemeMgr类等。在需要时获取单例。

  1. Create a singleton ThemeMgr class that stores colors, images etc. Fetch the singleton when needed.

@interface ThemeMgr : NSObject 
// selected color and image
NSString * selectedColor;
NSString * selectedPicture;
// dictionaries for color and image
NSDictionary * colorData;
NSDictionary * imageData;
NSDictionary * backgroundData;
// names
NSArray * colors;
NSArray * images;
// themes
UIColor * tintColor;
UIImageView * panelTheme;
UIColor * tableBackground;


Use notifications to broadcast theme changes. I used @"ThemeChange" as the notification.

- (void)fireTimer:(NSTimer *)timer
NSNotification * themeChange = [NSNotification notificationWithName:@"ThemeChange" object:nil];
[[NSNotificationQueue defaultQueue] enqueueNotification:themeChange postingStyle:NSPostWhenIdle];

在这种情况下,用户选择一个主题,并在0.5秒后触发 fireTimer 。在强制UI重绘之前,这为其他UI提供了一个很好的延迟。

Obviously, you'll have some UI to select a desired theme. In this case, the user chooses a theme and fireTimer is fired after 0.5 seconds. This gives a nice delay for other UI to update before I force the UI to redraw itself.


Listen for notifications anywhere you need to act on a theme change.

// listen for change notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateAppearance:) name:@"ThemeChange" object:nil];

我只有几个视图,所以我在我使用的每个控制器中编写了代码,但你可以使用目标的力量 - C以混合代码来更好地处理这个问题。

I only have a few views, so I've written the code in each controller I use, but you can use the power of objective-C to mix code in to handle this in a better way.


Implement the code to actually redraw your view based on the theme.

- (void)updateAppearance:(NSNotification *)notification
// background for grouped table view
ThemeMgr * themeMgr = [ThemeMgr defaultMgr];
// change color and reload
[self.tableView setBackgroundColor:[themeMgr tableBackground]];
[self.tableView reloadData];
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [themeMgr tintColor];


Don't forget to resign any notifications when necessary, and you'll have to write code in viewDidLoad or similar to apply any themes before the view is displayed.