iPhone:主屏幕和 App Store 的不同图标

iPhone:主屏幕和 App Store 的不同图标


我想知道 iPhone 上的应用图标是否可以与 Apple App Store 中大版本中显示的图标略有不同.

I would like to know if the app icon on the iPhone can be slightly different than the one shown in a large version in Apple's App Store.

此处简要讨论:成功提交 AppStore 的提示?


But I wanted to make sure if anyone has more experience with that.

举个例子:《纽约时报》在其应用程序图标中加入了很多词(参见 http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/nytimes/id284862083?mt=8).如果图标的小/主屏幕版本中没有文字,可以使用全黑色背景吗?

To give an example: The New York Times has many words incorporated in its app icon (see http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/nytimes/id284862083?mt=8). Would it be okay to have a full black colored background without the words in the small/homescreen version of the icon?

我有一个申请 (RefFinder) 被拒绝,因为这两个申请不匹配.但它们完全不同.我想如果它们只是略有不同就好了.

I had one application (RefFinder) rejected just because the two didn't match. But they were quite different; I guess it's OK if they're only slightly different.