如何在Android Studio或Visual Studio Code中查找未使用的Flutter类

如何在Android Studio或Visual Studio Code中查找未使用的Flutter类


由于客户端对应用程序需求的快速变化,我有近200个dart文件,其中许多未使用.除了诉诸于手动搜索之外,我有什么方法可以找到未使用的类?在Android Studio中,我可以使用检查代码"功能找到未使用的java或kotlin类.但是我找不到用于飞镖/扑打的相同目的的任何工具.

Because rapid change in app requirement from client, I have nearly 200 dart files, and many of them are unused. Is there any way for me to find unused classes except resorting to manually search one by one? In Android Studio, I can find java or kotlin classes which are unused by using "inspect code" feature. But I can't find any tools for the same purpose for dart / flutter.



In VS code all unused classes in a file are marked grey or underlined, and when you hover on them a popup will appear telling you that the class has not been used anywhere within your the current file. you can then delete all of such classes.


alternatively, for each class you suspect is unused, you can make a global search, by pressing on the loop icon on the top left side of vs and input the name of the class as your search key, from there you can see if it is used or not