如何将Web Animations API polyfill添加到使用Angular CLI创建的Angular 2项目中

如何将Web Animations API polyfill添加到使用Angular CLI创建的Angular 2项目中


Angular 2动画文档指的是 Web动画API填充,用于不支持本机浏览器的浏览器.

The Angular 2 animations documentation refers to the Web Animations API polyfill for browsers that don't support the native one.

将这个polyfill添加到使用Angular CLI创建的Angular 2项目中的正确方法是什么?

What's the proper way to add this polyfill to an Angular 2 project created with Angular CLI?


(I am using angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.10)


With no luck, I have tried the ideas and solutions mentioned here:

  • https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/949
  • https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/1015
  • https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/718#issuecomment-225493863


I downloaded it via NPM and added it to system-config.ts. I believe this is along the lines of what's recommended but the polyfill doesn't get loaded (I can tell because the animations don't work in Safari).


I only got this to work by including the polyfill in index.html, which I know it's not the proper way:

  <script src="https://rawgit.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/master/web-animations.min.js"></script>


I will add here any details that may help clarify my question, but if you need to see the code, I have it on Github:





我们已经更新了实施方式 动画不再需要Web动画polyfill.这 表示您可以从应用程序中删除此polyfill并保存 大约47KB的捆绑包大小,同时增加了动画 同时在Safari中获得更高的性能.

We’ve updated our implementation of Animations to no longer need the web animations polyfill. This means that you can remove this polyfill from your application and save approximately 47KB of bundle size, while increasing animations performance in Safari at the same time.

