


我想弄清楚如何比较 n 个列表以找到公共元素.例如:

I'm trying to figure out how to compare an n number of lists to find the common elements. For example:

p=[ [1,2,3],

>> print common(p)
>> [1]


Now if I know the number of elements I can do comparions like:

for a in b:
  for c in d:
    for x in y:

但是如果我不知道 p 有多少个元素,那将不起作用.我看过这个比较两个列表的解决方案https://*.com/a/1388864/1320800

but that wont work if I don't know how many elements p has. I've looked at this solution that compares two lists https://*.com/a/1388864/1320800

但是在花了 4 个小时试图找出一种方法来实现递归之后,我仍然无法找到解决方案,因此非常感谢任何帮助!

but after spending 4 hrs trying to figure a way to make that recursive, a solution still eludes me so any help would be highly appreciated!


You are looking for the set intersection of all the sublists, and the data type you should use for set operations is a set:

result = set(p[0])
for s in p[1:]:
print result