



Why is the "someValue" variable which is readonly (but we still can change its value via reflection) output as "10", although it actually did change to 55?

static class Program
    static readonly int someValue = 10;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine(someValue); // 10

             .GetField("someValue", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
             .SetValue(null, 55); // change readonly field via reflection to 55

        Console.WriteLine(someValue); // output in console 10, 
                                      // but in visual studio debugger it shows 55


这是JIT编译器的优化. JIT内联静态只读字段.

It is a JIT-compiler's optimization. JIT inlines static readonly fields.



Let's start with simple facts:


Static constructors are only called once in a process for each type.

因此,静态只读字段只能初始化一次,这与实例只读字段不同: 实例构造函数可以被多次调用(以创建类的新实例),因此在实例只读字段中可以有多个不同的值.您不能在方法中内联某个实例的readonly字段,因为该方法可能正在使用其他实例.

So, static readonly field can only be initialized once, unlike instance readonly fields: instance constructor can be called multiple times (in order to create new instances of a class), so there can be multiple, different values when it comes to instance readonly fields. You can't inline some instance's readonly field in a method, because there might be other instances that method is working with.


When you access any type's or its instance's data or functions or whatever else, the static constructor of that type has already been called.


That means, static constructors are always called first when accessing a type. So, static readonly field must have already been initialized!


JIT-Compiler perfectly knows what i'm talking about above.


So, why not decide to inline that static readonly field in a method that's using it?


See, if a method is using that static readonly field, then it is accessing that type. If it is accessing that type, then static constructor of that type has already been called, and static readonly field has already been initialized. Static constructor will never be called again and static readonly field will have the same value until you don't restart the app! Why not inline it in a method if we know that field will always have the same value?