


我写一些单元测试因为我已经写在的IPrincipal 的扩展方法。为了帮助,我已经创建了几个辅助类的(一些代码,接口没有实现的成员已为简洁起见省略):

I am writing some unit tests for an extension method I have written on IPrincipal. To assist, I have created a couple of helper classes (some code for not-implemented members of the interfaces has been omitted for brevity):

public class IPrincipalStub : IPrincipal
    private IIdentity identityStub = new IIdentityStub();

    public IIdentity Identity
        get { return identityStub; }
        set { identityStub = value; }

public class IIdentityStub : IIdentity
    public string Name { get; set; } // BZZZT!!!

但是,名称的IIdentity 接口属性为只读(即的IIdentity 接口指定的名称一个getter而不是setter属性)。

However, the Name property in the IIdentity interface is read-only (the IIDentity interface specifies a getter but not a setter for the Name property).


How can I set the Name property in my stub object for testing purposes if the interface has defined it as a read-only property?


You're using the auto-properties feature of C# but instead you should go the manual route and create a backing field for the property. Once you have a backing field you can set its value in the constructor (or make it a public field and set it after you have the object, but this is a little uglier).

public class IIdentityStub : IIdentity{
    private string _name;

    public IIdentityStub(string name){
        _name = name;

    public string Name { get { return _name; } }