iOS 辅助功能:用于捆绑显示名称的自定义配音文本

iOS 辅助功能:用于捆绑显示名称的自定义配音文本


iOS 画外音无法正确读出我的公司名称.例如,它读出狗"而不是D.O.G."(不是我的真实公司名称,但你懂的)

iOS voice over does not correctly read out my companies name. For example it reads out "dog" instead of "D.O.G." (not my real company name but you get the idea)

我们通过告诉应用在所有读出公司名称的地方读出D O G"来解决这个问题.

We get around this by telling the app to read out "D O G" in all places where the company name is read out.


However, voice over reads the bundle display name out incorrectly both on the app icon, and after the app has finished launching.

有没有办法让我的应用在应用启动后读出D O G"而不是dog"?我会强迫应用程序在应用程序启动后不读出捆绑显示名称,然后手动读出D O G".

Is there a way to make my app read out "D O G" instead of "dog" after app launch? I would settle for forcing the app not to read out the bundle display name after app launch and then manually reading out "D O G".


(I'm assuming you can't set a custom voice over for the app icon, but bonus points for anyone that knows if I can or can't)

从 iOS 8 开始,您可以通过将 CFBundleSpokenName 键添加到您的 Info.plist 来实现这一点.

As of iOS 8, you can achieve this by adding the CFBundleSpokenName key to your Info.plist.