



What is the best way of generating a hash for the purpose of storing a session? I am looking for a lightweight, portable solution.

您可以使用 PHP 的内置散列函数,sha1md5.选择一个,而不是两个.

You can use PHP's built-in hashing functions, sha1 and md5. Choose one, not both.

人们可能认为同时使用两者,sha1(md5($pass)) 将是一个解决方案.使用两者不会使您的密码更安全,它会导致冗余数据并且没有多大意义.

One may think that using both, sha1(md5($pass)) would be a solution. Using both does not make your password more secure, its causes redundant data and does not make much sense.

查看PHP 安全联盟:密码哈希 他们给出了一篇很好的文章,指出了弱点并通过散列提高了安全性.

Take a look at PHP Security Consortium: Password Hashing they give a good article with weaknesses and improving security with hashing.

Nonce 代表n一次使用的数字".它们用于请求以防止未经授权的访问,它们发送秘密密钥并在每次使用您的代码时检查密钥.

Nonce stands for "numbers used once". They are used on requests to prevent unauthorized access, they send a secret key and check the key each time your code is used.

您可以在 FullThrottle Development 的 PHP NONCE 库中查看更多信息

You can check out more at PHP NONCE Library from FullThrottle Development