从iOS中的另一个应用程序打开设置应用程序 - React Native

从iOS中的另一个应用程序打开设置应用程序 -  React Native


我正在浏览React Native中的文档只能从我所在的应用程序中找到导航到外部链接。

I'm going through the docs in React Native and can only find navigating to external links from the app I am in.

我希望能够导航到设置 app(更具体地说是隐私>位置服务页面)但是,似乎无法找到它的必要信息。有这样的原生iOS 方式,我试图通过React Native复制。

I want to be able to navigate to the Settings app (more specifically to the privacy > location services page) but, can not seem to find the necessary information on it. There is the native iOS way of doing it which I am trying to replicate through React Native.



I have tried the following to detect if there is a Settings URL. The console logs that the Settings url works however, it does not navigate to that page.


Update: thanks to @zvona I am now navigating to the settings page but not sure how to get to a specific deep link.

Linking.canOpenURL('app-settings:').then(supported => {

    console.log(`Settings url works`)
}).catch(error => {
    console.log(`An error has occured: ${error}`)

Linking.openURL(' app-settings:');

You can access settings of the application with: Linking.openURL('app-settings:');


But I don't know (yet) how to open a specific deep-link.