验证在MVC 4使用服务层来实现服务器端和客户端验证

验证在MVC 4使用服务层来实现服务器端和客户端验证



Hi I have table employee with some fields


to validate fields I have created two layers

  1. 服务层

  1. Service layer



namespace MvcApplication2.Models

    public interface IEmployeeMainTableRepository
        bool CreateEmployee(EMP_MAIN_TBL EmployeeToCreate);
        IEnumerable<EMP_MAIN_TBL> ListEmployees();

    public class EmployeeRepository : MvcApplication2.Models.IEmployeeMainTableRepository
        private EMPLOYEE_SYSTEMEntities _entities = new EMPLOYEE_SYSTEMEntities();

        public IEnumerable<EMP_MAIN_TBL> ListEmployees()
            return _entities.EMP_MAIN_TBL.ToList();

        public bool CreateEmployee(EMP_MAIN_TBL EmployeeToCreate)
              // _entities.AddToEMP_MAIN_TBL(productToCreate);
                return true;
                return false;



    public interface IEmployeeService

        bool CreateEmployee(EMP_MAIN_TBL EmployeeToCreate);
        System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<EMP_MAIN_TBL> ListEmployees();

    public class EmployeeService : MvcApplication2.Models.IEmployeeService

        private IValidationDictionary _validatonDictionary;
        private IEmployeeMainTableRepository _repository;

        public EmployeeService(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary, IEmployeeMainTableRepository repository)
            _validatonDictionary = validationDictionary;
            _repository = repository;

        protected bool ValidateEmployee(EMP_MAIN_TBL employeeToValidate)
            if (employeeToValidate.EMP_NM == null)
                _validatonDictionary.AddError("EMP_NM", "Name is required.");
            if (employeeToValidate.PLCE_OF_BRTH == null)
                _validatonDictionary.AddError("PLCE_OF_BRTH", "Place of birth is required.");

            return _validatonDictionary.IsValid;

        public IEnumerable<EMP_MAIN_TBL> ListEmployees()
            return _repository.ListEmployees();

        public bool CreateEmployee(EMP_MAIN_TBL EmployeeToCreate)
            // Validation logic
            if (!ValidateEmployee(EmployeeToCreate))
                return false;

            // Database logic
                return false;
            return true;


and I have created two more classes to add validation messages

public interface IValidationDictionary
    void AddError(string key, string errorMessage);
    bool IsValid { get; }

public class ModelStateWrapper : IValidationDictionary

        private ModelStateDictionary _modelState;

        public ModelStateWrapper(ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            _modelState = modelState;

        #region IValidationDictionary Members

        public void AddError(string key, string errorMessage)
            _modelState.AddModelError(key, errorMessage);

        public bool IsValid
            get { return _modelState.IsValid; }



finally employee controllers contains below structure

  public class EmployeeController : Controller
        private IEmployeeService _service;

        public EmployeeController()
            _service = new EmployeeService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState), new EmployeeRepository());

        public EmployeeController(IEmployeeService service)
            _service = service;

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View(_service.ListEmployees());

        // GET: /Product/Create

        public ActionResult Create()
            return View(new EMP_MAIN_TBL());

        // POST: /Product/Create

        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude = "EMP_ID")] EMP_MAIN_TBL employeeToCreate)
            if (!_service.CreateEmployee(employeeToCreate))
                return View();
            return RedirectToAction("Index");




My question is above code working fine for server side validation

但我怎么使用上面相同的code ++实现对客户端验证

but how do I achieve validation on client side using above same code please


Since you are already validating on the service side you could return the ModelStateDictionary instead of the bool, you could then check that it is valid on the client side. But this won't help when it comes to checking that the whole service method has finished, so you could create a new type that returns say a bool and the ModelStateDictionary.


Another approach is to use Fault Exceptions. You can create your own fault exception that would get thrown when the model state is not valid. This Model State Fault could contain your ModelStateDictionary.


  1. 更改返回类型为ModelStateDictionary。

  2. 创建一个新的返回类型返回结果和ModelStateDictionary。

  3. 当模型的状态是无效的发生
  4. 使用故障异常。

我个人会用第三种方法,因为,则仍可使用原来的返回类型,然后只需要抓住故障,就像您一个例外。下面是一个例如 MSDN

Personally I would use the third approach, as you can then still use your original return type, and then just need to catch the Fault like you would an Exception. Here is an example and also MSDN