【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal


1.Automatic watermark detection and removal


3.IRLS WIKI Encyclopedia

4.Image Gradient WIKI

5.OpenCV Image Gradients


【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

 接2证明带权重的IRLS【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal


简述一下本文的大致思路,加了水印的图像由原图、水印、α蒙版值三部分构成:J = α*W + (1 - α) * I


 known property of natural image gradients to be sparse, i.e., the chance of having strong gradients at the same pixel location in multiple images is small. Hence, E [∇Ik] ≈ 0. 


【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

where 【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removalis a robust function that approximates L1 distance (p is omitted for brevity).The terms Ereg(∇I) and Ereg(∇W) are regularization terms that encourage the reconstructed images and the watermark to be piecewise smooth where the gradients of the alpha matte are strong.

【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

 【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal


【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal



【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

 【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

# robust function
def Func_Phi(X, epsilon=1e-3):
    return np.sqrt(X + epsilon**2)

def Func_Phi_deriv(X, epsilon=1e-3):
    return 0.5/Func_Phi(X, epsilon) 

因为引入了鲁棒函数 phi()以接近L1 distance, 故此时我们的p值为1。每次迭代的权值w为 1/(2*sqrt(X+0.001^2))


            phi_data = diags( Func_Phi_deriv(np.square(alpha*Wk[i] + (1-alpha)*Ik[i] - J[i]).reshape(-1)) )
            phi_W = diags( Func_Phi_deriv(np.square( np.abs(alpha_gx)*Wkx + np.abs(alpha_gy)*Wky  ).reshape(-1)) )
            phi_I = diags( Func_Phi_deriv(np.square( np.abs(alpha_gx)*Ikx + np.abs(alpha_gy)*Iky  ).reshape(-1)) )
            phi_f = diags( Func_Phi_deriv( ((Wm_gx - alphaWk_gx)**2 + (Wm_gy - alphaWk_gy)**2 ).reshape(-1)) )
            phi_aux = diags( Func_Phi_deriv(np.square(Wk[i] - W).reshape(-1)) )
            # E_reg_deta_I
            phi_rI = diags( Func_Phi_deriv( np.abs(alpha_gx)*(Ikx**2) + np.abs(alpha_gy)*(Iky**2) ).reshape(-1) )
            # E_reg_deta_W
            phi_rW = diags( Func_Phi_deriv( np.abs(alpha_gx)*(Wkx**2) + np.abs(alpha_gy)*(Wky**2) ).reshape(-1) )
            # sobel^T * c * E_reg_I * sobel
            L_i = sobelx.T.dot(cx*phi_rI).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(cy*phi_rI).dot(sobely)
            # sobel^T * c *E_reg_W * sobel
            L_w = sobelx.T.dot(cx*phi_rW).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(cy*phi_rW).dot(sobely)
            # sobel^T * E_f * sobel
            L_f = sobelx.T.dot(phi_f).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(phi_f).dot(sobely)
            # alpha^T * L_f * alpha + gamma * E_aux
            A_f = alpha_diag.T.dot(L_f).dot(alpha_diag) + gamma*phi_aux

            bW = alpha_diag.dot(phi_data).dot(J[i].reshape(-1)) + beta*L_f.dot(W_m.reshape(-1)) + gamma*phi_aux.dot(W.reshape(-1))
            # (1-alpha) * E_data * J
            bI = alpha_bar_diag.dot(phi_data).dot(J[i].reshape(-1))

            A = vstack([hstack([(alpha_diag**2)*phi_data + lambda_w*L_w + beta*A_f, alpha_diag*alpha_bar_diag*phi_data]), 
                         hstack([alpha_diag*alpha_bar_diag*phi_data, (alpha_bar_diag**2)*phi_data + lambda_i*L_i])]).tocsr()

            b = np.hstack([bW, bI])
            x = linalg.spsolve(A, b)
            # Solve the sparse linear system Ax=b jointly to get WK IK
            Wk[i] = x[:size].reshape(m, n, p)
            Ik[i] = x[size:].reshape(m, n, p)

 【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

 将inverse matrix消去,左右同左乘XTWX。得到 XTWXβ = XTWy。

以E_data项为例, αW + (1 - α)I = J 

 bW = alpha_diag.dot(phi_data).dot(J[i].reshape(-1)) + beta*L_f.dot(W_m.reshape(-1)) + gamma*phi_aux.dot(W.reshape(-1))
 bI = alpha_bar_diag.dot(phi_data).dot(J[i].reshape(-1))

 b 指代XTWy,其中y为原图J,对于IK,1-α为其X(其中据帧均有np.diags()构造),E_data为其W;

【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

 【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal

phi_f = diags( Func_Phi_deriv( ((Wm_gx - alphaWk_gx)**2 + (Wm_gy - alphaWk_gy)**2 ).reshape(-1)) 

L_f = sobelx.T.dot(phi_f).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(phi_f).dot(sobely)
bW = alpha_diag.dot(phi_data).dot(J[i].reshape(-1)) + beta*L_f.dot(W_m.reshape(-1)) + gamma*phi_aux.dot(W.reshape(-1))

sobel as gradient image,除了与IK相似的项以外,对于WK多了两项E_f,E_aux要复杂一点。(对于E_f因为构造L_f是按β左部构造,故要dot W_m消去)

L_i = sobelx.T.dot(cx*phi_rI).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(cy*phi_rI).dot(sobely)
L_w = sobelx.T.dot(cx*phi_rW).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(cy*phi_rW).dot(sobely)
L_f = sobelx.T.dot(phi_f).dot(sobelx) + sobely.T.dot(phi_f).dot(sobely)
A_f = alpha_diag.T.dot(L_f).dot(alpha_diag) + gamma*phi_aux

A = vstack([hstack([(alpha_diag**2)*phi_data + lambda_w*L_w + beta*A_f, alpha_diag*alpha_bar_diag*phi_data]), hstack([alpha_diag*alpha_bar_diag*phi_data, (alpha_bar_diag**2)*phi_data + lambda_i*L_i])]).tocsr()

A指代XTWX ,因为Edata是二元线性涉及联合求解,过程如下。根据矩阵性质可得,其他系数要放在主对角线上

以下为带权重的推导【机器学习实战】01——IRLS in paper Automatic watermark detection and removal