



I have an array full of random content item ids. I need to run a mysql query (id in the array goes in the WHERE clause), using each ID that's in the array, in the order that they appear in the said array. How would I do this?


This will be an UPDATE query, for each individual ID in the array.

作为与几乎所有的我该怎么做SQL从PHP内的问题 - 你的真正的应该用prepared语句。这并不难:

As with nearly all "How do I do SQL from within PHP" questions - You really should use prepared statements. It's not that hard:

$ids  = array(2, 4, 6, 8);
$sql  = "UPDATE MyTable SET LastUpdated = GETDATE() WHERE id = ?";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++)
    $stmt->bind_param("i", $ids[$i]);
    echo "Updated record ID: $id\n";


Alternatively, you can do it along the lines of this:

$ids    = array(2, 4, 6, 8);
$params = implode(",", array_fill(0, count($ids), "?"));
$sql    = "UPDATE MyTable SET LastUpdated = GETDATE() WHERE id IN ($params)";
$stmt   = $mysqli->prepare($sql);

call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bindparams'), $ids);
echo "Updated record IDs: " . implode("," $ids) ."\n";


But obviously the second option would limit you to update all affected records with the same data only, while using the first option you can bind different data to the statement in every loop iteration.

调用ppared语句$ P $是安全多了(没有SQL注入可能),在一个循环中这样做更有效的为好,因为只有参数值是在发送到服务器执行(),而不是整个报表。在长时间运行的循环这种差异将必将成为明显的。

Calling a prepared statement is a lot safer (no SQL injection possible), and doing so in a loop is more efficient as well, because only parameter values are sent to the server on execute() instead of whole statements. In longer-running loops this difference would surely become noticeable.