使用SQL从Google Analytics(分析)或Adobe Analytics中获取原始数据

使用SQL从Google Analytics(分析)或Adobe Analytics中获取原始数据


我一直在寻找一种从SQL中的Omniture(SiteCatalyst)或Google Analytics(分析)中获取原始数据的方法,以用于某些分析目的.

I have been looking around for a way to fetch raw data from Omniture (SiteCatalyst) or Google Analytics in SQL for some Analysis purpose.

是否有一种方法可以从网站将其获取到SQL,或者是否有可用的数据存储库网站可以直接从那里下载原始数据? 如果知道的话,请解释一下该过程.

Is there a way that i can fetch it from website to SQL or is there any data repository website available that i can directly download raw data from there? Kindly explain the process if you are aware of any.


如果您正在使用MS Sql Server并有权访问SQL Server集成服务,则可以使用自定义任务选择数据,也可以使用脚本任务.这两个选项都将能够直接从Google Analytics(分析)下载数据并将其插入SQL Server数据库.

If you are using MS Sql Server and have access to SQL server integration services you could select the data out using a custom task or you could use a scripting task. Both of these option will be able to handle downloading the data directly from Google analytics and inserting into an SQL server database.

如果不是,那么您将必须为此创建自己的应用程序. Google Analytics(分析)数据以Json格式返回.您需要自己将其隐藏到SQL中才能插入.

If you are not then your going to have to create your own application for this. Google analytics data is return in Json format. you will need to covert it yourself into SQL for insert.