



I am trying to understand multiple inheritance, here is my code:

struct A {
  A() {}
  static int n;
  static int increment() { return ++n; }
int A::n = 0;

struct B : public A {};
struct C : public A {};
struct D : public B, C {};

int main() {
  D d;


This code works. However, if I change increment() to non-static it will fail.


  1. 为什么编译器抱怨对increment()的非静态版本的模棱两可的调用,而又对静态版本感到满意?
  2. 如果我向B或C添加另一个increment()函数,编译器也会抱怨,甚至声明为静态.为什么?
  1. Why compiler complains ambiguous call of non-static version of increment(), while satisfies with the static one?
  2. If I add another increment() function to B or C, compiler will complain too, even declared as static. Why?



A compiler complains of ambiguous calls when it cannot decide which function to call given the context. So, in order to understand the complaints, you have to check what the possible ambiguities could be.


Why compiler complains ambiguous call of non-static version of increment(), while satisfies with the static one?


By definition, a static function of a class does not depend on any instance of the class. This is emphasized by the fact that you could call it A::increment() (see, no instance).

钻石继承的问题不是编译器不知道要执行哪个代码,而是不知道要提供哪个this(您的计算机中有两个A D对象,其中一个包含在B中,另一个包含在C中.)

The problem of the diamond inheritance is not that the compiler does not know which code to execute, it's that is does not know which this to provide (there are two A in your D object, one contained in B and one in C).


When you use a static function of A, no implicit this is passed, so there is no issue; if you try to use a non-static function, then the compiler cannot decide whether this should point to the A in B or in C, it's ambiguous.


If I add another increment() function to B or C, compiler will complain too, even declared as static. Why?


At this point, the compiler may choose between B::increment() and C::increment(), which should it pick? It's ambiguous.


When you have a linear hierarchy, it calls the "closest" to it (which hides those further down the inheritance tree), but here B and C are two independent branches and there is no "better" branch.


Note: even if B does not implement increment, since A does you can call B::increment() which actually calls A::increment(). The same goes for C.