如何使用Firebase Cloud Messaging将推送通知发送到多个设备

如何使用Firebase Cloud Messaging将推送通知发送到多个设备


我找到了一种方法,可以将express消息从我的expressJS服务器发送到我的离子应用程序,我发现 GCM 。使用GCM,我可以传递通过一系列令牌的消息,如下所示:

I was findind a way to deliver push messages from my expressJS server to my ionic app and I found GCM. With GCM I could deliver the message passing a list of tokens, like this :

 sender.send(message, {
        registrationTokens: deviceTokens
    }, function (err, response) {
        if (err) console.error(err);
        else console.log('response' + JSON.stringify(response));

但是,当我发现 GCM 变为 FCM 我试图用FCM做同样的事,但到现在还没有运气。我听说过发送主题,但是找不到一个例子。

But as I found that GCM became FCM I was trying to do the same using FCM, but no luck until now. I've heard about sending topics but I couldn't find an example.


Can anyone give an example on how send topic messages using FCM ?


my FCM code: (working with just 1 token)

 var FCM = require('fcm-node');

var serverKey = 'xxx';
var fcm = new FCM(serverKey);

var message = {

    to: 'device-token',

    notification: {
        title: event.title,
        body: event.information


fcm.send(message, function (err, response) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("Something has gone wrong! \n" + err);
    } else {
        console.log("Successfully sent with response: \n ", JSON.stringify(response));

我估计你使用 fcm push 您的推送通知库,

I reckon you are using fcm push library for your push notification, if you want to send same notification to multiple users then use "registration_ids" parameter instead of "to". this tag accepts an array of strings.


ex: registration_ids:["registrationkey1","registrationkey2"].


note: limit is 100 key at a time.