无法在Android Studio 3.3中编译已签名的APK

无法在Android Studio 3.3中编译已签名的APK


更新到AS 3.3后,"Generate Signed Bundle/APK"对话框中似乎存在一个错误. 选择Bundle或APK格式后,移至下一页并设置模块/密钥库密码,我无法通过按next进行移动,因为出现了以下弹出窗口:

After updating to AS 3.3, there seems to be a bug in the "Generate Signed Bundle/APK" dialog. After choosing Bundle or APK format, moving to the next page and setting the module/keystore pass, I can't move by pressing next because I get this popup:

Please specify a destination folder for the signed apk

没有用于指定目标文件夹的编辑框. 还有其他人经历过吗?我想知道是否是因为材质主题插件隐藏了一个额外的编辑框.否则,我会提交一个错误.

There is no editbox to specify a destination folder. Anyone else experienced this? I want to know if it's because of the material theme plugin hiding an extra editbox. Otherwise I'll file a bug.

更新最新的Android Studio(当前为3.3.1)已修复了该错误.

UPDATE The latest Android Studio (currently 3.3.1) has fixed the bug.

对于Android Studio版本< 3.3.1


This seemed to be a bug in AS after upgrading to 3.3. The bug is caused by the hidden checkbox which SHOULDN'T have been evaluated when pressing next if it's invisible (and somehow missed by the Android engineers).


  1. 无论您想要APK还是捆绑包,都选择捆绑包
  2. 即使不是必需的,也请选中选项导出加密的密钥以注册已发布的应用程序"
  3. 选择任何文件
  4. 按下一步"(它将起作用)
  5. 按下两次,选择是否为APK/捆绑软件,然后在下一页中,如果不需要,则无需选中导出(...)"复选框
  6. 建立并建立如果此答案可以帮助他人