


这是我第一次将应用程序发布到Windows商店,而且每当我尝试通过appxbundle运行我的应用程序时,我遇到了问题。我使用的是"Windows应用程序包装项目"。来自visual studio,我按照

Hi, it's my first time publishing an app to the windows store and currently I am having problems whenever I try to run my application through an appxbundle. I am using the "Windows Application Packaging Project" from visual studio and I follow all the guidelines I've found online, my app is passing the test and successfully creating the appxupload file and the folder containing the appxbundle and more. When I try to sideload my applicaton I get a message that I am missing some dlls, and this is because when the executable is being created it has no access to the dlls that it needs. How can I package a UWP embedding the needed dlls into the executable so it can run as it's supposed to?

Are the DLLs UWP Class Libraries?