使用Apache HttpClient通过Web代理进行Java通信失败

使用Apache HttpClient通过Web代理进行Java通信失败



I have a desktop client that sends data to a web server and I can't seem to get through the proxy server.

更新:我在尝试通过代理进行通信时遇到407 HTTP错误。

Update: I am getting a 407 HTTP error when trying to communicate through the proxy.

从我的Web服务器下载信息时,一切都很好。一旦用户配置代理服务器(使用我写的对话框),下载工作正常。但是使用 org.apache.http.client.HttpClient 上传数据无效。

When downloading information from my web server, everything is fine. Once the user configures the proxy server (using a dialog box I wrote) the download works fine. But uploading data using org.apache.http.client.HttpClient is not working.


I am configuring the proxy server with code like this after gathering the information from a JDialog.

        System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", proxyHost);
        System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "" + portNumber);


Now, once we do that, simple downloads work fine. For instance, I have code that reads some xml data from my web server (see below). On the customer's network the error in my catch block was displayed before the proxy settings were configured and then everything worked fine once the correct proxy was set.

 * Loads a collection of exams from the web site. The URL is determined by
 * configuration or registration since it is State specific.
public static int importExamsWS(StringBuilder msg) {
    try {
        java.net.URL onlineExams = new URL(examURL);
        //Parse the XML data from InputStream and store it.
        return importExams(onlineExams.openStream(), msg);

    catch (java.net.UnknownHostException noDNS) {
        showError(noDNS, "Unable to connect to proctinator.com to download the exam file.\n"
                + "There is probably a problem with your Internet proxy settings.");
    catch (MalformedURLException | IOException duh) {
    return 0;


However, when I try to SEND data to the web server it is as if the proxy settings are being ignored and an IOException gets thrown. Namely:

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://proctinator.com:8080 refused


Now I know that port 8080 is not blocked by the customer's web filter because we tested the address in a web browser.


Here is my code for verifying the registration ID entered by the user: Update: Now I am also setting the proxy in this method.

//Registered is just an enum with ACTIVE, INACTIVE, NOTFOUND, ERROR
public static Registered checkRegistration(int id) throws IOException {    
    httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    Config pref = Config.getConfig(); //stores user-entered proxy settings.
    HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(pref.getProxyServer(), pref.getProxyPort());
    httpclient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);
    URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder();
    String path = "/Proctorest/rsc/register/" + id;
    try {
        URI uri = builder.build();
        System.out.println("Connecting to " + uri.toString());
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri);
        HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
        if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()==200) {
            String msg = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
            GUI.globalLog.log(Level.INFO, "Server response to checkRegistration(" + id + "): " + msg);
            return Registered.stringToRegistered(msg);
        else {
            GUI.globalLog.log(Level.INFO, "Server response status code to checkRegistration: " + 
            return Registered.ERROR;
    catch(java.net.URISyntaxException bad) {
        System.out.println("URI construction error: " + bad.toString());
        return Registered.ERROR;

我几乎肯定这个问题来自于代理服务器配置,但 SystemDefaultHttpClient的文档声称它需要使用系统属性 http.proxyHost http.proxyPort 。我知道属性已正确设置,但我仍然收到此身份验证错误。查看从我的程序生成的日志向我显示:

I'm almost positive that the problem is coming from the proxy server configuration, yet the docs for SystemDefaultHttpClient claim that it takes uses System properties for http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort . I know that the properties have been properly set, but I am still getting this authentication error. Viewing the logs generated from my program showed me this:

checkRegistration INFO: Server response status code to checkRegistration: 407 


How do I resolve this authentication error?


I'll take a shot. If the proxy server is using basic authentication, you could use the following snippet as an example:

DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    new AuthScope("PROXY HOST", 8080),
    new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password"));

HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost("TARGET HOST", 443, "https");
HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("PROXY HOST", 8080);

httpclient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy); 

如果代理服务器正在使用NTLM身份验证,我不相信NTLM支持可用于所有代理服务器版本(它将与一些NTLM身份验证代理服务器版本一起使用 - 检查代理是否使用NTLM身份验证的v1或v2)。供参考&解决方法,您可以检查以下内容:

If the proxy server is using NTLM authentication, I do not believe NTLM support is available for all proxy server versions (it will work with some NTLM authentication proxy server versions - check if the proxy is using v1 or v2 of NTLM authentication). For reference & workarounds, you can check the following:



http://devsac.blogspot.com/2010/10/ supoprt-for-ntlmv2-with-apache.html


Depending on your proxy server, you may need to look into NTCredentials instead of UserPasswordCredentials.


I would also suggest that you may wish to look into using wireshark to capture network packets and check the response from the proxy server to be absolutely sure what is causing the problem.