


我正在尝试将 Foxpro 应用程序转换为 .NET.作为转换的一部分,我将数据从 DBF 表转换为 Sql 服务器.

I'm trying to convert a Foxpro application into .NET. As part of that conversion I'm converting the data from DBF tables to Sql server.

我需要根据 Orders 表、FirstOrder 和 LastOrder 在 Customer 表中添加几个新字段.

I need to come up with a couple new fields in the Customer table based on the Orders table, FirstOrder and LastOrder.

我似乎无法理解如何在 TSql 中执行此操作.我知道如何在 Foxpro 中执行此操作,如果必须的话,我实际上仍然可以在那里执行此操作,但我知道我需要学习如何在 Sql 中执行此操作.

I just can't seem to muddle through how to do this in TSql. I know how I'd do it in Foxpro, and I could actually still do it there if I had to, but I know I need to learn how to do this in Sql.

这是基本结构.客户表有一个 Id,然后我需要更新 FirstOrder 和 LastOrder 字段.订单表有订单日期,但这里是真正的曲线.客户 ID 可以存在于订单内的 5 个不同字段中:ShipperId、PickupId、ConsigneeId、DeliveryId 或 BillingId.

Here is the basic structure. Customer Table has an Id, then the FirstOrder and LastOrder fields I need updated. Order Table has OrderDate, but here is the real curve. The Customer Id can exist in 5 different fields inside the Order: ShipperId, PickupId, ConsigneeId, DeliveryId, or BillingId.


UPDATE customers
SET FirstOrderDate = 
(Select MIN(OrderDate)
FROM Orders o
WHERE o.ShipperId = Customers.Id or
o.PickupId = Customers.Id or
o.ConsigneeId = Customers.Id or
o.DeliveryId = Customers.Id or
o.BillingId = Customers.Id)


Just can't seem to find out how to tie the subquery with the main update query.


这是根据 MarkD 的建议工作的 SELECT:

Here's the SELECT that's working based on MarkD's suggestion:

Select C.Id,Min(o.OrderDate) as firstorder, MAX(o.OrderDate) as lastorder
from Customers C
JOIN Orders o
on o.ShipperId = C.Id or
        o.PickupId = C.Id or
        o.ConsigneeId = C.Id or
        o.DeliveryId = C.Id or
        o.BillingId = C.Id 


So now do I use this as a subquery or cursor to post back to the Customers table?

虽然我认为 JOIN 条件不太可能,但您似乎正在尝试这样做?

Although I think the JOIN criteria is highly unlikely, it looks like you're trying to do this?

我已经修改了 JOIN 条件,但这正是您所追求的.Grouping ByOR 是奇数.

I've modified the JOIN criteria but this is what you're after. Grouping By columns that are OR'd is odd.

;WITH MinOrderDates AS
    SELECT   CustID 
            ,OrderDate  = MIN(OrderDate)
    FROM Orders

SET FirstOrderDate = MIN(O.OrderDate)
FROM Customers      C
JOIN MinOrderDates  O   ON C.Id = O.CustID

这就是使用 ORs

;WITH MinOrderDates AS
    SELECT   ShipperId
            ,OrderDate  = MIN(OrderDate)
    FROM Orders
    GROUP BY ShipperId

SET FirstOrderDate = MIN(O.OrderDate)
FROM Customers      C
JOIN MinOrderDates  O   ON o.ShipperId     = C.Id or
                           o.PickupId      = C.Id or
                           o.ConsigneeId   = C.Id or
                           o.DeliveryId    = C.Id or
                           o.BillingId     = C.Id 


Though I am having a hard time finding fault with your posted syntax.