




Hi All...

I am doing a simple project in c#, i want to display the form's in one panel, the forms added that panel from another form also.IN this Condition in VB.net then the code is very simple

Public Class Form2

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Form3.TopLevel = False
        Form3.TopMost = True
    End Sub
End Class


But in c# this is not a simple,I know how to add the controls in panel from the same form but i am new for this case, So please Help me, How to add the Form in Panel from another Form in C# Windows Application.



This is a very poor way to do things: it will work just the same in C# as it does in VB, but...that doesn't mean it's a good solution.
If you translate your code into C#, it will work:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    frmOther fOther = new frmOther();
    fOther.TopLevel = false;
    fOther.TopMost = true;


多了很多更好的解决方案是创建一个添加到面板的UserControl(如果需要独立显示,则设置为From3),因为这样可以保持整洁。 Form2根本不应该访问Form1控件!它本应该请求Form1自行完成,或者你最终想要对Form1做出任何改变,可能会破坏整个代码!

But... your code requires that Form2 knows about Form1 and Form3 which breaks the rules of OOPs and ties the forms together.
A much, much better solution would be to create a UserControl which you add to the panel (and to From3 if it needs to be shown independently) as this keeps things tidier. And Form2 should not access Form1 controls at all! It should instead request Form1 to do it itself, or you end up with any change you want to make to Form1 potentially breaking code all over the place!


My problem is solved the following code is clear my doubt,Thanks for Vulpes.
public class Form2 : Form
  private void button1_Click(object, EventArgs e)
      Form3 form3 = new Form3();
      form3.TopLevel = false;
      form3.TopMost = true;
      Form1 form1 = (Form1)Application.OpenForms["Form1"];
      Panel panel1 = (Panel)form1.Controls["panel1"];


And Also i give the thanks for all Comments.



2.将Form3的实例插入到Form1实例的Panel Control中





因此,我们给Form1一种方式来订阅Form2上的Button Click事件,如下所示:

To simply describe what you are doing in VB: When a Button is Clicked on an instance of Form2:

1. take a pre-existing instance of Form3

2. insert that instance of Form3 into a Panel Control in an instance of Form1

It is not a good idea to put a Form inside another Form, or inside a Control in another Form (unless you are using the old MDI architecture, which I suggest you avoid). OriginalGriff is right-on when he advises you to use a UserControl !

To help you get a better understanding of programming in WinForms, we need to know which Form is the "main" Form here: does Form1 create Form2, and Form3 ?

If that's the case, then we can say your goal is:

1. to give an instance of Form2 a way to communicate to Form1 that it needs to insert an instance of a UI into a Panel inside it.

So, we give Form1 a way to subscribe to the Button Click Event on Form2 like this:

In Form2: by creating a publicly acessible reference to its Button:
public partial class Form2 : Form
    // create a public property of type 'Button
    public Button f2Button { set; get; }

    public Form2()
        // set the Property so 'Form1 can see it
        f2Button = this.button1;


In Form1: by subscribing to the Button's Click Event

public partial class Form2 : Form
    public Form1()
    Form2 f2 = new Form2();

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // subscribe to Form2's 'button1 Click Event
       f2.f2Button.Click += f2Button_Click;

    private void f2Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // the code to add some UI to the Panel on Form1 goes here
       MyUserControl uc = new MyUserControl;

       // set position, or Dock, or Anchor of the added UserControl as needed 



By constraining what Form2 exposes to other Forms/Classes to only its Button, we are trying to keep the "coupling" (dependency) between Forms/Classes to a minimum.