


是否可以在oracle中使用"execute immediate"命令执行"bulk Collect into"?所有这些都将成为函数的一部分,该函数将返回管道表作为结果.

is it possible to execute the "bulk Collect into" with the "execute immediate" commands in oracle? All of that would be part of a function that returns a pipe lined table as a result.


Yes, technically you can:

  1  SQL> declare
  2   type x is table of t.id%type index by pls_integer;
  3   xx x;
  4  begin
  5   execute immediate
  6   'select id from t' bulk collect into xx;
  7   dbms_output.put_line(xx.count);
  8  end;
  9  /


And Oracle clearly states this in the documentation:

http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102 /b14261/executeimmediate_statement.htm

但是,如果您确实需要执行Dynamic SQL-弱引用游标,则可以使用更有用的方法事件.您将可以使用LIMIT等强大功能,并且可以使用记录集合.

But you can use more useful way event if you really NEED to execute Dynamic SQL - weak ref cursors. You will have the access to such powerful option as LIMIT and will be able to use collections of records.

SQL> declare
  2   type x is table of t%rowtype index by pls_integer;
  3   xx x;
  4   c sys_refcursor;
  5  begin
  6    open c for 'select * from t';
  7    loop
  8      fetch c bulk collect into xx limit 100;
  9      dbms_output.put_line(xx.count);
 10      exit when c%notfound;
 11    end loop;
 12    close c;
 13  end;
 14  /