



I have a (quite) complicated file with the usual mix of components.

我有一个字段(名为 keyloaded )和链接的属性(被称为 Keyloaded )。

I have a field (called keyloaded) and a linked property (called Keyloaded).


Whilst working within the class, I accidentally directly manipulated the field instead of the property.


It most likely is because I am still quite a bit new to all of this (I triple check now!), however, this is already a private field and outside of working with the class works great. Is there just something simple I can do that will remove it from Autocomplete?


And if not, what are the best practices for a similar situation?

虽然写这个问题时,我突然在我的书还记得,他们说,大约下划线......这仅仅是最好的解决办法 - 把它的视线

Whilst writing this question, I suddenly remembered in my book, they said about underscores... Is this just the best solution - to put it out of sight?


Like Brian and KBoek mentioned you can just start your fields with an underscore. But if you really want to hide a method/field/property you can set the attribute as shown. This will prevent the method/field/property from being shown in intellesense. However, The member will still be accessible.

<System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _
Public Property HiddenProperty()
        return _hiddenProperty
    End Get
    Set (value as object)
        _hiddenProperty = value
    End Set
End Sub