


在我公司的上一个版本中,我一直在监督分支和合并,并且多次不得不修改我们的 Subversion 预提交挂钩,以对签入评论等实施不同的要求.每次编辑这些文件时,我都有些紧张,因为 (a) 它们是现场制作系统的一部分,尽管仅在内部使用(而且我们不是一个庞大的组织),并且 (b) 它们不是自行进行版本控制.

I was overseeing branching and merging throughout the last release at my company, and a number of times had to modify our Subversion pre-commit hooks to enforce different requirements on check-in comments and such. I was a bit nervous every time I was editing those files, because (a) they're part of a live production system, albeit only used internally (and we're not a huge organization), and (b) they're not under version control themselves.


I'm curious what sort of fail-safes people have in place on their version control infrastructure. Daily backups? "Meta" version control? I suppose the former is in place here as part of the backup of the whole repository. And the latter would be useful as the complexity of check-in requirements grows...

Natch - 版本控制和任何其他基础架构代码也受版本控制,但我会使用与任何开发项目不同的项目.

Natch - the version-control and any other infrastructure code is also under version-control but I would use a separate project from any development project.

我更喜欢可搜索的 wiki 或类似的知识库存储库,以便使用 VCS 配置之类的东西来堵塞您的错误跟踪系统.

I prefer a searchable wiki or similar knowledge-base repository to clogging up your bug-tracking system with things like VCS config.

最重要的是,确保文档是最新的——根据我的经验,与管理员文档相比,人们在保持代码文档最新方面要好得多.这可能是个人所关心的.经常被忽视的一件事是,如果系统是根据标准 Unix 实践 或类似理念进行配置的,这意味着 OS/X 或 Windows 程序员可能不熟悉的位置知识体系,面临突然修复损坏的脚本.不要居高临下,确保记录关于位置和相互依赖的基本假设.

Most importantly, make sure that the documentation is kept up to date - in my experience, people are vastly better at keeping code docs up to date than admin docs. This may have been the individuals concerned . One thing that is often overlooked is, if systems are configured according to standard Unix Practices or similar philosophy, that implies a body of knowledge about locations that may not be familiar to an OS/X or Windows programmer, faced with suddenly fixing a broken script. Without being condescending, make sure basic assumptions about location and interdependency are documented.