



I recently created a little Perl application that utilizes a few non-core modules that will need to be installed via CPAN.


Is there a way to distribute the application with the ability to check to see if the required modules are installed and pull them from CPAN if they aren't? I suppose I am looking for something similar to the CPAN auto-dependency-install feature.

我考虑过使用module-starter和Module :: Install来创建一个模块-例如目录结构,然后定制Build文件以将应用程序安装到/ bin ...,但是我不确定这是否是一种解决方案。

I thought about using module-starter and Module::Install to create a module-like directory structure and then tailor the Build file to install the application to /bin... but I'm not sure if this is a shoe-horn solution.


It's not a shoe-horn solution, but the Right Thing to do. You should let a specialised tool handle the dependencies because of the corner cases, e.g. write in the installation instructions:

  1. 解压缩存档文件。

  2. 运行 cpan。放在未归档的目录中。

  1. Unpack the archive.
  2. Run cpan . in the unarchived directory.

您无需更改Build文件即可在 bin 目录,默认情况下会执行此操作。

You need not change the Build file to install programs in the bin directory, it does this by default.