



I would like to distribute a rails application as a double clickable application. When someone double clicks on the app, I think that mongrel should be started and then the user's browser should be started and open to something like localhost:3000 I'm trying to work through what I will need to do this, I think I'm going to need to include a copy of rails in the project, and a copy of the gems. Do I need to distribute ruby? Initially I'm looking to target the mac and linux for distribution. Does anyone have any experience packaging rails application like this?

我想要部署的应用程序是用于用户媒体的媒体中心服务器.不幸的是,这意味着我无法使用公共服务器来提供媒体.我已经使用ruby on rails和rake任务来导入和管理媒体,从而建立了服务器.有没有什么好方法可以使用户轻松安装?这个想法是通过双击应用程序实现的,用户可以轻松启动和关闭服务器.

The Application I'd like deploy is a media center server for a user's media. Unfortunately this means I can't have a public server serving out the media. I've built up the server using ruby on rails and rake tasks to import and manage the media. Is there a good way to make this easy for users to install? The idea was with a double clickable application it would be easy for users to bring up and down the server.


I've decided to use jruby and look into packaging the application as a java app.