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如何在没有应用商店的情况下分发应用? 如给定的URL中.是由企业帐户分配的.或其他我不知道的方法.请帮忙.

how this is possible to distribute apps without the app store .?
like in the given URL . Is is distributed by the Enterprise Account . or any other method i am not aware of. Please help.

AFAIK,要分发iPhone应用程序,您需要使用Apple Store.您无法通过任何其他渠道进行分发.
AFAIK, in order to distribute iPhone apps, you need to use Apple store. You cannot distribute it through any other channel.


-设置设备可访问的HTTP服务器(我们使用apache),并设置一个文件夹,您将在其中放置可安装的应用程序.确保您的HTTP服务器将处理具有"application/octet" MIME类型的.ipa文件和具有"text/xml" MIME类型的.plist文件.不要使用https(只是未经身份验证的纯http),因为它不会起作用,至少在我们测试时它对我们不起作用,但是从那时起,它们可能已经解决了该问题.
-您需要在设备上安装的每个应用程序的http文件夹中放置3个文件:一个.ipa文件,一个.plist文件(清单)和一个.png图像,这些图像将在应用程序图标时显示该应用程序正在下载并安装. .plist文件是一个特殊的xml文件,其中包含有关该应用程序的一些信息,并包含两个链接:一个链接到.ipa文件,一个链接到.png文件.
There are some tools to support over-the-air distribution of iOS apps but we use none of these. We created a custom solution because its so easy. Here is what you need:

- Net connection for your tablets/iphones (wifi)
- Setup an HTTP server (we use apache) that is reachable by your devices and setup a folder in which you will place your installable apps. Make sure that your HTTP server will server .ipa files with "application/octet" mime type, and .plist files with "text/xml" mime type. Don''t use https (just pure http without authentication) because it wont work, at least it didn''t work for us when we tested but since then they might have fixed that issue.
- You need to place 3 files into the http folder for each app you wanna install on your devices: a .ipa file, a .plist file (manifest), and a .png image that will be displayed as the icon of the app while the app is being downloaded and installed. The .plist file is a special xml file that contains some info about the app and contains two links: one to the .ipa file, and one to the .png file.
- Place a pure webpage somewhere (maybe an index.html) on your http server and create a specal link to the .plist file like:
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://myserver.com/app.plist">click to install</a>

http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/FA_Wireless_Enterprise_App_Distribution/Introduction/Introduction.html [ ^ ]

我们的构建系统会自动将应用上传到我们的服务器(scp),而不是使用静态的.html文件,而是使用python cgi脚本来解析目录并生成一个网页,其中包含指向所有.plist文件的那些特殊链接,以便用户可以下载任何内容从平板电脑/iPhone的浏览器中获取.

Link to the apple site about this:
On this site choose the language then expand the tree on the left side and you will find a sample manifest (.plist) file at the bottom of the tree. Download it and modify it to match the info of your app. You can comment out/delete the parts that are marked with "optional" comment (like md5 check). Use valid links to the .ipa and .png files in it and a correct budnle-identifier otherwise it wont work!!!!

Our build system automatically uploads apps to our server (scp) and instead of a static .html file we use a python cgi script that parses the directories and generates a webpage that contains those special links to all .plist files so the users can download anything from the browser of tablets/iphones.