


是否可以使用 ToastNotificationManager 从控制台应用程序发送Toast通知?

Is it possible to send Toast notifications from console application using ToastNotificationManager ?


I know that it is possible to send Toast notifications from Windows Universal app:

var toast = new ToastNotification(doc);

* doc-以XML字符串存储的Toast

*doc - Toast stored in XML string

要使用ToastNotificaionManager,我需要在控制台应用程序项目中无法引用的 Windows.UI.Notifications 库。

To use ToastNotificaionManager I need Windows.UI.Notifications library which I can't reference in console application project.

我提到的库WinRT实际上使用了before。在Windows控制台应用程序中可以使用WinRT API吗?

The library I mentionet before is actualy used by WinRT. Is it possible to use WinRT APIs in Windows console application ?


At first you need to declare that your program will be using winRT libraries:

  1. 右键单击yourProject,选择卸载项目

  2. 右键单击yourProject(不可用),然后单击编辑yourProject.csproj

  3. 添加新的属性组:< targetplatformversion> 8.0< / targetplatformversion>

  4. 重新加载项目

  5. Windows>核心

  1. Right-click on your yourProject, select Unload Project
  2. Right-click on your yourProject(unavailable) and click Edit yourProject.csproj
  3. Add a new property group:<targetplatformversion>8.0</targetplatformversion>
  4. Reload project
  5. Add reference Windows from Windows > Core


Now you need to add this code:

using Windows.UI.Notifications;


and you will be able to send notifications using this code:

var toast = new ToastNotification(doc);

参考:如何从C#桌面应用程序调用Windows 8中的WinRT API-WinRT图