


我已成功为Azure网站和移动应用创建了Azure数据库。但是,我需要使用C#Windows应用程序访问相同的Azure数据库。该应用程序充当数据库监视器,为开发人员提供分析,例如数据库上的用户数量,反馈等。是否可以通过为网站提供的相同连接字符串azure连接到azure DB ?

I have created an Azure Database for my Azure website and mobile app successfully. However I need to access the same Azure DB with a C# Windows Application. The application serves as a 'Database Monitor' that provides the developers with analytics such as the number of users on the DB, their feedback, etc. Is it possible to connect to the azure DB through the same connection string azure provided me for the Website?

参考 - 如何:使用ADO.NET连接到Azure SQL数据库 [ ^ ],用于控制台应用程序。
Refer - How to: Connect to Azure SQL Database Using ADO.NET[^], which is for a Console Application.