使用CGI Python脚本刷新网页

使用CGI Python脚本刷新网页


我有一个非常简单的网页,该网页用于在Raspberry Pi上旋转步进电机。我的html文件是这样的:

I have a very simple web page which I'm using in order to rotate a stepper motor on Raspberry Pi. My html file is this:

<script Language="Javascript">

function ccw()

function cw()


  <div style="text-align:center">
    <h1>Raspberry Pi GPIO</h1>
  <button type="button", id="ccw", onclick="ccw()", value="value CCW">Rotate CCW</button>
  <button type="button", id="cw", onclick="cw()", value="value CW">Rotate CW</button>



What I want to do is after either of the scripts is executed, for the page to be refreshed (so that the user can click again on either button). The dumb way I guess, is for the Python scripts to output the above html code. Is there a smarter/easier way?


经过大量搜索后,我终于明白了!因此,为了重定向到主页,我必须在python3脚本的末尾添加以下 print 语句:

After a LOT of searching around I finally got it right! So, in order to be redirected to the home page, I have to add the following print statements at the end of my python3 script:

print ("Content-type: text/html\n\n")
print ("<html><body>\n")
print ("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url =\" />")
print ("</body></html>")