


有没有办法来改变的Azure云服务的 VM大小,而无需重建包?

Is there any way to change the VM Size of an Azure Cloud Service without having to rebuild the package?

vmsize 参数中定义的 .csdef 文件,而不是 .cscfg被上传到Azure和没有出现在其他文件中包含包的XML文件。

The vmsize parameter is defined in the .csdef file rather than the .cscfg file that is uploaded into Azure and doesn't appear in the other included XML files of the package.


Please note that we're not looking to change the instance count (scale out) but the size type (i.e. from Extra Small (A0) to Medium (A2)).


Yes, when you create your service model, you can specify the size to which to deploy an instance of your role, depending on its resource requirements. The size of the role determines the number of CPU cores, the memory capacity, and the local file system size that is allocated to a running instance.

基本上,你需要在ServiceConfiguration.cscfg文件中的vmsize参数更改为所需的值(vmsize =[特|小|中|大|海]),并重新部署包背天青

Basically, you need to change the "vmsize" parameter in the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file to the required value (vmsize="[ExtraSmall|Small|Medium|Large|ExtraLarge]") and re-deploy the package back to Azure.
