


我使用 $。getJSON 生成了一个JavaScript对象(称之为'jItems')。在页面上,我有一个jItems中的项目适合的类别列表。我的愿望是单击一个类别并触发一个功能,只显示该类别中的项目。使用 getJson 或jquery的每个() find() jItems 中提取正确的项目?

I've generated a JavaScript object (call it 'jItems') using $.getJSON. On the page, I've got a list of categories that the items in jItems fit into. My desire is to click a category and trigger a function to display only the items in that category. Would it be better to use getJson or jquery's each() or find() to pull the right items from jItems?


It all depends on how your data looks like but this might help you I think:

var jsonCats = [
    {"id": "category1", "items": [{"iid":"item1"}, {"iid":"item2"}, {"iid":"item3"}]},
    {"id": "category2", "items": [{"iid":"item4"}, {"iid":"item5"}, {"iid":"item6"}]},
    {"id": "category3", "items": [{"iid":"item7"}, {"iid":"item8"}, {"iid":"item9"}]},
    {"id": "category4", "items": [{"iid":"item0"}]}

$.each(jsonCats, function(key, value) {
    var category = $("<li>" + this.id + "</li>");
    var items = this.items;


    category.click(function() {
        for (var j in items) {
            var item = $("<option>" + items[j].iid + "</option>");


要查看示例: http://jsfiddle.net/tive/U63EY/

现在我再次阅读你的问题...实际上,使用for循环更好,因为这样更快。 $ .each()无论如何都是for循环的包装器。 (因此示例:D)

Now I read your question again ... it's actually better to use for loops since this is faster. The $.each() is a wrapper of the for loop anyway. (Hence the example :D)
