将空目录发布到VS2010 Web项目中的Web应用程序

将空目录发布到VS2010 Web项目中的Web应用程序


如果我使用VS2010 publish命令发布应用程序,则不会在Web服务器的远程文件系统上创建空目录。

Often I need to publish a web project preserving a directory tree even if the directories are empty, for example, directories to hold uploaded files. If I publish my app using the VS2010 publish command, the empty directories are not created on the remote filesystem, on the web server.


Is there a way to force VS to create certain folders, albeit empty, on the target directory? thanks!


No this is not possible I'm afraid we had the same problem. You need to create a placeholder.txt file in each empty directory if you want the precompilation tool to generate these empty folders. Failing that you can create a command line app that will create the folders in your post build events (but only if you are using web application project not web site project).
