ASP.NET MVC 4应用程序调用Windows服务

ASP.NET MVC 4应用程序调用Windows服务



We are using distributed architecture for our project. In which UI layer is reside on one server and Business Layer on another server. We are creating Windows service of Business layer. Is it possible to call the windows service from another server UI application. How to do it?


There are a couple of options for communicating with a windows service.

  1. 系统服务总线

  2. 在PROC主办的WebAPI

  3. 自托管的WCF服务

  4. SignalR 以消息之间客户和服务器

  1. A service bus
  2. In Proc hosted WebAPI
  3. Self hosted WCF Service
  4. SignalR to message between client and server