


我有一个用c ++编写的可执行程序(.exe),并在Windows控制台
上运行,并且我有一个Java swing applecation,所以我希望我的Java应用程序与控制台应用程序交互

i have an executable program (.exe) writen in c++ and run on windows console and i have a java swing applecation , so i want my java application to interact with the console app (send input and get output) . but how to do that ?


// Create the proccess in JAVA
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("Name of application");

// Receive outputs from another program inside Java by a stream
InputStream ips = proc.getInputStream();

// Using the stream to get the messages from another program
String output = "";
int c = 0;
while ((c = ips.read()) != -1){
    output+= (char)c;

//Inputs messages into another program
OutputStream ops = proc.getOutputStream();
ops.write("an byte array");