jquery ajax调用mysql

jquery ajax调用mysql


I have found many threads regarding this issue, but unfortunately I couldn't get it running. Problem is I don't know much about JQuery.

I am trying to make an Ajax call using JQuery in order to fetch multiple records from a mysql database. I have the following function :

function updateWebpage () 
url: './sale/api.php',                  //the script to call to get data          
data: "",                  //you can insert url argumnets here to pass to  api.php
                                   //for example "id=5&parent=6"
  dataType: 'json',                //data format      
  success: function(rows)          //on recieve of reply
        for (var i in rows)
          var row = rows[i];          

          var username = row[0];
          var stateId = row[1];
          $('#output').append("<b>id: </b>"+username+"<b> stateId: </b>"+stateId)
                      .append("<hr />");


My api.php is executing a mysql query with something like this:

$array = retrieveUsersInfo('%');                          //fetch result    
echo json_encode($array);

My main issue, is how to debug an issue like this? Since ajax is calling asynchronously another file, I cannot view any errors. From my firefox debugger, I can see that the $.ajax function is entered, but success is not.

Thanks in advance.

我找到了很多关于这个问题的线索,但不幸的是我无法让它运行。 问题是我对JQuery了解不多。 p>

我正在尝试使用JQuery进行Ajax调用,以便从mysql数据库中获取多个记录。 我有以下功能: p>

  function updateWebpage()
 $ .ajax({
url:'./sale/api.php',// 要调用以获取数据的脚本
data:“”,//您可以在此处插入url argumnets以传递给api.php 
 //例如“id = 5&amp; parent = 6”
 dataType:'json',/  / data format 
 for(var i in rows)
 var row = rows [i]; 
 var username = row  [0]; 
 var stateId = row [1]; 
 $('#output')。append(“&lt; b&gt; id:&lt; / b&gt;”+ username +“&lt; b&gt; stateId:&lt;  / b&gt;“+ stateId)
 .append(”&lt; hr /&gt;“); 
  code>  pre> 

}; p>

我的api.php正在执行一个类似这样的mysql查询: p>

  $ array = retrieveUsersInfo('%');  //获取结果
echo json_encode($ array); 
  code>  pre> 

我的主要问题是如何调试这样的问题? 由于ajax异步调用另一个文件,我无法查看任何错误。 从我的firefox调试器中,我可以看到输入了$ .ajax函数,但是没有成功。 p>

提前致谢。 p> div>

a couple things to try.

  1. hit the api url directly in a browser (not through ajax) and make sure it returns the valid response.
  2. add an error: function(err){} to your jquery ajax call. this method will get called if there is something other than a 200 response back from the server.
  3. I use Chrome's developer tools more than firefox/firebug. It has a Network tab in it that shows me all the communication between the client and the server. You should see a call out to your api in that tab.

just off hand, i think you need to make sure the mime-type is set to text/json in your php file.