我应该如何在我的ASP.NET MVC应用程序4籍管理?

我应该如何在我的ASP.NET MVC应用程序4籍管理?


我在创造我的第一个ASP.NET MVC 4 Internet应用的过程中的时候,我不知道如何以最佳方式在网站上管理成员资格。该应用程序允许用户注册和登录。我感兴趣的是找出如何实现管理网站会员,其中包括管理用户界面的完整解决方案。

As I'm in the process of creating my first ASP.NET MVC 4 Internet application, I'm wondering how to best manage membership on the site. The app allows users to register and log on. I'm interested in finding out how to implement a complete solution for managing site membership, including an administrative user interface.

我应该如何去增加会员管理设施,以我的应用程序?我主要考虑两个不同的NuGet包基础上, SecurityGuard.MVC4 我的解决方案和 MvcMembership 。这两个看起来像一个良好的起点增加会员管理,以我的应用程序,但我发现很难选择,因为我知道这么小的问题。

How should I go about adding membership administration facilities to my app? I'm primarily considering two different NuGet packages to base my solution on, SecurityGuard.MVC4 and MvcMembership. Both look like a good starting point for adding membership administration to my app, but I'm finding it difficult to choose as I know so little on the subject.


I believe Security Guard is what you would want to go with. It gives you a much more complete membership area. I haven't used either myself, however I have made my own, and looking through the links you provided, Security Guard is your best choice for creating an Admin backend.

不过,如果你只需要授权不同的部分,检查用户角色,也许解锁的用户,你也许可以通过使用内置的用户和 Mebership 方法rel=\"nofollow\">作用。你将不得不创造一些看法并没有什么,但它不是很难和一个很好的学习经验。

However if you just need to authorize different sections, check user roles, and perhaps unlock a user, you could probably get by using the built in User and Mebership and Role methods. You would have to create some views and what not but it's not very hard and a good learning experience.