


I currently have an array I created like this:

    1=>'North West',
    2=>'North East',
    3=>'South West',
    4=>'South East',
    5=>'West Midlands',
    6=>'East Midlands',
    9=>'East England',
    12=>'N. Ireland',

I will use this array to generate dropdown list options (value=>text) in my form. The selected option value will be stored in the database in an integer field.

This might just be a matter of personal preference, but I was just wondering whether this is the correct approach? Or should the array key be the same as its value? Could there be any potential problems further down the line (adding/deleting/modifying the array) when using this approach?

我目前有一个我这样创建的数组: p>

   $ regions = array(
 1 =>'西北',
 2 =>'东北',
 3 =>'西南',
 4 =>'东南',\  n 5 =>'西米德兰兹',
 6 =>'东米德兰兹',
 7 =>'伦敦',
 8 =>'约克郡',
 9 =>'东英格兰 ',
 10 =>'苏格兰',
 11 =>'威尔士',
 12 =>'N。爱尔兰',
  code>  pre> 

我将使用此数组在表单中生成下拉列表选项(value => text)。 选定的选项值将以整数字段存储在数据库中。 p>

这可能只是个人偏好的问题,但我只是想知道这是否是正确的方法? 或者数组键是否应与其值相同? 在使用这种方法时,可能会有更多的潜在问题(添加/删除/修改数组)吗? p> div>

I tend to stored the key value in this instance. However I would normally store the regions in a lookup table where the id and values are stored so any future modifications can be managed relatively easily using foreign keys etc.

This is generally correct, but typically the dropdown list (and thus the array) is generated from the database (at least at some point, even if cached later). This is so that someone doesn't change the code and the change the meaning of the previously stored values.

One of the nice things about MySQL is that it directly supports enum field types. IMHO its infinitely preferable to use significant data over surrogate values.

There is some debate over this in database circles - a quick google turned up about 82000 matches for "relational database enum type". Go read some of them.

But those who disagree with it as a practice unversally recommend maintaining the surrogate/value lookups within the database. NOT in the code.
